1. Arnarlax has only one supplier of roe from approved supplier. The roe is from a broadstock called SAGA.
2. MAST (The Food and Veterinary authority of Iceland) issues a certificate of the roe delivery from supplier to the hatcheries.
3. Transport of roe shall be gentle and is transported either by truck or plane depending on the hatchery area.
4. All treatments during hatching shall be recorded into FishTalk.
5. When smolt is ready for seawater farms it is pumped into well boat from smolt site and transported to the correct cage on a farm site.
6. A certificate from MAST is issued for each wellboat transport from smolt site to every cage on a farmsite.
Site manager |
7. Relevant managers receive the smolt transport certificate from MAST on e-mail
8. After transport to the farm site the growth in sea starts. All information related to fish health and origin are recorded into FishTalk (country of origin, roe supplier, hatchery, farm site, cage number, treatments, vaccination, feed types and suppliers of feed, temperature etc.)
9. All medical treatments shall be traced back to the prescription of the medicine. No antibiotics are used.
10. When the salmon reaches the harvest weight, the feeding is stopped and fish put on starvation.
11. When fish is ready for harvesting the well boat arrives for harvesting and transports the fish to the harvest plant in Bildudalur. The transport documents are issued by the well boat where information of loading time, number of fish, average weight, farm site, cage number etc. are described. Harvesting report is sent out in e-mail by captain of the well boat.
On occasion outsourced processing is used and the same procedures are followed in those cases.
Site manager/Biological controller
12. The fish is processed right away after harvest the morning after. Arnarlax owns its farm sites and is the only supplier of salmon for its production.
13. Fish is monitored at the intake from the well boat in harvest plant before slaughtering. All info of farm site, cage number, temperature and other quality inspections are registered into the EQS quality system.
14. Label checks are conducted prior to production and then throughout the production day, every hour. The batch number is the production date.
15. Raw material information are stored in Innova and Maritech systems.
16. Product control is done every hour where fish is weighed and weight compared to the label, farm site and cage number checked and label info registered.
17. Only one producer of main packaging material, styrofoam boxes and lids. Inner plastic and diapers for boxes are supplied by the packaging producer.
18. After trucks have been loaded they are sealed.
QA/Production leaders/QM
Sales and logistics
19. Information regarding the fish with farm identification and cage number is registered in Innova.
20. In Maritech all information for each customer can be seen: production date, order number, shipping number, how much is sold, which date, from which site and cage etc.
21. All unsold products are labelled as "Arnarlax Óselt-Unsold" and are registered like that in Innova and Maritech.
Sales department/Production leaders